Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bibliophile: Good Bye Asimov; Hello Shelly!

The sun sets behind the concrete jungle of buildings, here in Shipra Sun City. The only unused patch of land by the Shipra Mall and my apartment, full of wild bushes, tall trees and birds emanates its own music of returning birds and crickets. The evening tunes are occasionally pierced by the escaping songs on stereo from the Mall - I can recognize the faint lyrics of Titanium, by David Guetta, being played. All the while these sounds play with the faint, far-away background noise of traffic and hum of construction machinery.
I‘ve completed reading my book, The Rest of The Robots from Isaac Asimov. All I have to say about these short stories are that they have some good food for thought and vintage value, like a science fiction classic. The stories have ideas and story plots found almost everywhere these days and hence, they didn't amuse me much.
My Toshiba laptop had been troubling me for some time; Overheating, sudden shutdowns and now, Graphics Card failure. Got it fixed yesterday and after an hour or two it burned itself again! I fear the price of fixing that stuff and all my documents were on the system.
Though, being the paranoid I am, I had created a backup on my thumb and portable hard drives, as well as on the cloud. Had to wire my elder brother‘s obsolete PC and hook it up with my laptop‘s hard drive. Will get the work done for now. I hope my Toshiba, infamous for its heating problem, gets repaired quick enough. I've got a job interview tomorrow evening. Wish me luck readers; I‘m in dire need of it considering the pile of problems instantly materializing with the absence of my only laptop.
I‘m blogging from my cellphone so do excuse my typos and other errors.
Now, I‘ll pick up that new book still in packing paper that I had ordered off Amazon; “Frankenstein“.
Here‘s a link to the book I‘m going to start reading.
I was biased to this print primarily because of its appealing cover art. (Now, don‘t remind me about that old saying on book contents and covers.)
Even though I know the sketches and themes of the story from pop-culture but, you truly don‘t know, until you've seen it for yourself.

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