Thursday, December 5, 2013

Insertion Sort in Different Flavors

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Been revving up algorithms for my job hunt. Thought, I should share some. Here's Insertion Sort, in Ruby, Java and C.
It has a Worst and Average Case Scenario Complexity of Theta(n^2) (or Theta n-squared). It is efficient for smaller data sets while larger data sets would require a lot of time for sorting.
Oh! I've also been dabbling in the art of Ruby Programming.
I find the language a lot more neat and simpler than my previously known languages - C and Java. The best thing is that with multiple syntax possibility, I can quickly code in free flow without the need to frequently check and recheck whetehr I'm sticking to the syntax rules to express my thoughts.
This is one of the features of ruby to have multiple syntax rules for the same task, incorporated from C, Python, Small-Talk, Java and more. This makes it easy to learn and apply.
Without further delay, here's the algorithm;


A = [1,5,3,7,6,2,8,9,10,4]
print "Initial Array Order " + A
for j = 1 to A.length
i = j-1
key = A[j]
while i>=0 && A[i]>key
A[i+1] = A[i]
i = i-1
A[i+1] = key
print "Sorted Array Order "+ A
OUTPUT>> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Note: The above algorithm assumes a Zero indexing for the Array. For One indexed Arrays, alter the for loop to -
"for j = 2 to A.length"
and alter the while loop to -
"while i>0 && A[i]>key"
Now, Insertion Sort in Ruby;


A = [1,5,3,7,6,2,8,9,10,4]
p "Initial Array Order"
p A
for j in 1...A.length
i = j-1;
key = A[j];
while i>=0 && A[i]>key
A[i+1] = A[i];
i = i-1;
A[i+1] = key;
p "Sorted Array Order"
p A

Here's the screen shot of the running Ruby program:

ruby Insertion Sort

InsertionSort (Java)

public class InsertionSorting
public static void main( String[] args )
int A[] = { 10, 9, 5, 7, 3, 1 };
System.out.printf("\nInitial Array:\n");
for( int k=0;  k<A.length;  k++)
System.out.printf( "%d, ", A[k]);
for( int j=1;  j<A.length;  j++)
int i = j-1;
int key = A[j];
A[i+1] = A[i];
A[i+1] = key;
System.out.println("\nFinal Array:");
for( int k=0;  k<A.length;  k++)
System.out.printf("%d, ",A[k]);

Here's the screen shot of the running Java program:

InsertionSort Java Capture
Java program run in Netbeans IDE.


//Insertion Sort
void main()
int A[6] = { 10, 5, 7, 3, 4, 1 };
printf("\nInitial Array\n");
for ( int l=0;  l<6;  l++)
printf("%d\n", A[l]);
int j =0;
for( j=1;  j<6;  j++)
int i = j-1;
int key = A[j];
A[i+1] = A[i];
A[i+1] = key;
printf("\nFinal Array\n");
for (int k=0; k<6; k++)
printf("%d\n", A[k]);

Here's the screen shot of the running C program:

tcc Insertion Sort
[C Program compiled with TCC.]
Hey! It's a nice idea to code the same stuff in C, Java and Ruby. Next time onward I'll try to post programs in all three languages. Not entire applications, though, it gets tedious when the program runs long.
Next hopefully should be Data Structures Stack and Queue, or Merge Sort. Lets see. Till then, adios!
PS: Attached Ruby, Java and C files. [LINK]

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